From this page you can access the installation and user documentation for the geOrchestra platform. geOrchestra main documentation Installation guide Only installation guide (to be deprecated before summer 2025) Installation and administration guide All new documentation, work in progress The different components of geOrchestra View MapStore2 An advanced geographic data viewer Land registry plugin A plugin for land registry consultation Mviewer A geographic data viewer for the public Urban planning plugin A plugin for consulting planning documents Superset Dashboards and data visualization in the form of graphs and much more Supply Datafeeder A data integration wizard Publish GeoNetwork A metadata catalogue GeoServer A powerful geographic data server that complies with OGC WxS standards GeoWebCache A tile server Data API An open data API complying with the new OGC 'Features API' standards Manage GeoFence A module for advanced management of data access rights Console An administration console for users, roles and organisations Analytics A module presenting statistics on use of the platform Mviewer Studio An mviewer application generator