geOrchestra is a community-driven project.
Anyone can contribute, and each contribution may be reused freely by everyone.

Contributions may take several forms:

Who’s using geOrchestra ?

Subnational level:

Interface web Bretagne (France)
Bretagne (France)

with GeoBretagne partnership

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Interface web Haut de France (France)
Haut de France (France)

Géo2France project

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Interface web Grand Est (France)
Grand Est (France)

DataGrandEst project

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Interface web Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes (France)
Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes (France)

Centre Régional Auvergnat de l'Information Géographique

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Interface web Santa Maria (Açores)
Santa Maria (Açores)

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Interface web Prešov Region (Slovakia)
Prešov Region (Slovakia)

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Interface web Košice self-governing region (Slovakia)
Košice self-governing region (Slovakia)

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Interface web Alsace

with Datageo project

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Interface web Département Haute-Loire (France)
Département Haute-Loire (France)

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Interface web GCS SESAN & ARS Île-de-France
GCS SESAN & ARS Île-de-France

with Santégraphie project

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Urban area level:

Interface web Métropole Européenne de Lille (France)
Métropole Européenne de Lille (France)

OpenData portal

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Interface web Rennes Métropole (France)
Rennes Métropole (France)

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Interface web Communauté d'Agglomération du Puy-en-Velay (France)
Communauté d'Agglomération du Puy-en-Velay (France)

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Interface web Intermunicipal Community of Terras of Trás-os-Montes (Portugal)
Intermunicipal Community of Terras of Trás-os-Montes (Portugal)

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Interface web Município de Oeiras (Portugal)
Município de Oeiras (Portugal)

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Interface web Municipality of Nordeste, São Miguel Island (Portugal)
Municipality of Nordeste, São Miguel Island (Portugal)

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Research and education:

Interface web INRAE


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Interface web IRD


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Interface web UMR SAS (INRAE - Agrocampus Ouest, Rennes)
UMR SAS (INRAE - Agrocampus Ouest, Rennes)


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Interface web UMR LISAH (INRAE - IRD - Supagro, Montpellier)
UMR LISAH (INRAE - IRD - Supagro, Montpellier)

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Interface web UMR Silva (INRAE - Université de Lorraine)
UMR Silva (INRAE - Université de Lorraine)

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Interface web UMR Théma (Besançon - Université de Bourgogne)
UMR Théma (Besançon - Université de Bourgogne)

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Interface web UMS BBEES

at the French 'Musée National d'Histoire Naturelle', Paris

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Interface web UMR Sisyphe
UMR Sisyphe

at 'Université Pierre et Marie Curie', Paris

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Interface web UMR Littoral, Environnement, Télédétection, Géomatique (CNRS - Nantes, Brest, Rennes, Caen)
UMR Littoral, Environnement, Télédétection, Géomatique (CNRS - Nantes, Brest, Rennes, Caen)


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Interface web Observatoire des Sciences de l’Univers de Rennes
Observatoire des Sciences de l’Univers de Rennes


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Interface web CDGP

Data Center for Deep Geothermal Energy

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Interface web Deutsche Telekom
Deutsche Telekom

Deutsche Telekom AG is a German telecommunications company headquartered in Bonn and by revenue the largest telecommunications provider in Europe.

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Interface web TerraNIS

a French company specialized in the design, development and commercialization of geoinformation services in agriculture and environment domains

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International organizations and associations:

Interface web FAO representation in Bolivia
FAO representation in Bolivia

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Interface web Les Libres Géographes
Les Libres Géographes

with IFL project

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… and many more we don’t know about. Please contact us to register your geOrchestra !

Who develops geOrchestra ?

The commiters list only gives a partial view.

The GitHub ecosystem allows wide contributions via the “Pull Request” principle. These contributions are always intensively reviewed and tested, eventually leading to their acceptance and integration (“merge”).

How to find help ?

We are always pleased to give a hand on the #georchestra channel ( Matrix server).

The project runs two mailing lists, which you can freely join to ask for help:

Use to reach the Project Steering Committee.
No support will be provided at this address.