Le geOcom 2020 sera accueilli par la société JDev à perros-Guirec les 15 16 et 17 juin 2020. The 2020 geOcom will be host this year by JDev in Perros-Guirec by 15 16 and 17 of june 2020.

The geOrchestra community gathers every year at the “geOcom” event. This is a unique opportunity to discover new platforms, new players, current or future projects and build the roadmap for the upcoming releases. This event allows actors and newcomers to discover the community and its uses, issues in progress or to come, not to mention moments of conviviality and discovery of the region.

Traditionnaly, the geOcom will be followed by two days of code and/or doc sprint, which allows to give a helping hand on top priority topics.

affiche geOcom 2020

Read further.


The programm is not yet known.

Any suggestion or proposition ?

We are waiting for yout propositions or suggestions until the 01/04 via the mailing list or by direct contact by wrting to us at psc@georchestra.org.

The congress center

Rue du Maréchal Foch

22700 Perros-Guirec




Participation to this event is free. However, we ask you to register via this form to allow us to receive you in the best conditions.

Thank you to complete the map of participants after you registration to maybe optimize our trips.